Our Welfare

Wellbeing is a state in which every individual realises their potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work/learn productively and thrive (WHO, 2014).

At Arcadia College, we believe wellbeing is essential for learning and engagement, and that every student deserves a supportive and safe learning environment. We empower students to make positive contributions to both the school and wider community.

Our comprehensive wellbeing program focuses on key areas including attendance, engagement, learning, and social-emotional development. We provide access to mental health services and youth support, recognizing the diverse needs of our students.

Our commitment to wellbeing is reflected in our staff's ongoing professional development and in the various initiatives we implement. These include social-emotional teaching and learning activities, support for all students, and a strong emphasis on inclusivity and diversity. We maintain a zero-tolerance policy towards bullying and actively foster a community that challenges discrimination and celebrates individual differences.

We value the unique strengths and stories of each student and staff member, encouraging everyone to reach their full potential. We strive to create fun, engaging, and real-world learning experiences. Understanding that disengagement can stem from various factors, Arcadia College offers a fresh start in a different kind of school, one where wellbeing and positive relationships are paramount.

To support students facing challenges related to mental health, learning, home life, or any other barriers to education, we provide supportive classroom strategies and dedicated wellbeing staff. We are committed to helping every student thrive.


Wellbeing is a focus everyday at Arcadia College.

Wellbeing is integral to daily life at Arcadia College. A dedicated team of support staff advocates for, supports, and encourages students to engage positively with their learning, peers, and the wider community. Building positive relationships with students is a core focus for all staff, as we believe it is fundamental to student engagement. Arcadia College also has specifically trained wellbeing staff who provide support in the following areas:

  • Head of Welfare/ Senior Psychologist - education and mental health support
  • Psychologist - qualified psychologists on site for counselling and assessment
  • Nurse - qualified registered nurse on site to triage illness, mental health or health issues
  • Youth Worker - experienced youth support with a focus on attendance, engagement and success for students via community partnerships and enthusiasm
  • Mental Health Youth Worker - Triage and support the wellbeing of young people.
  • Student Engagement Officers - each cohort of students has wellbeing support co-ordinators who support teaching teams to RESET and RE-ENGAGE students in their learning and facilitate wellbeing assistance

Arcadia College maintains positive relationships with community youth and family services. Students and families are sometimes referred to external services or programs to support their needs. Some of those services and programs include:

Mental Health and Wellbeing
Ph 1300 22 4636 or visit beyondblue.org.au
Headspace provide youth friendly mental health information and counselling.
Call Southport office to make an appointment Ph 07 5509 5900 or, check out eheadspace free online counselling chat service headspace.org.au
Kids helpline 1800 55 1800
Alcohol, drug and mental health counselling liveslivedwell.org.au and Lighthouse Service
Ph 07 5699 8248 Southport Office. Lighthouse is a community-based treatment service for young people with severe and complex mental health needs Lighthouse.

Noffs Street University is a youth friendly service providing drug, alcohol and mental health counselling Ph 1800 753 300 or email qldreferrals@noffs.org.au

The street university provides workshops and activities to engage youth via creative pursuits.

A range of programs to support women and children affected by domestic and family violence.
Ph 07 5532 9000 or visit domesticviolence.com.au

Child and Youth Mental Health Service (CYMHS)

Specialist mental health service for children and young people in the Gold Coast region.

Ph: 1300 64 22 55

Child and Youth Mental Health (CYMHS) | Gold Coast Health

Bite Back includes youth focused mental fitness activities biteback.org.au

Arcadia College takes a different approach than traditional mainstream schools, prioritising student preparedness, safety, and support. Our unique approach includes:

  • Nutritional food served daily to students - breakfast, morning tea and lunch
  • Teachers that aware of student wellbeing - regular engagement and focus by teachers and support staff to learn and develop wellbeing initiatives and refer for early intervention programs
  • Building Relationships - teachers foster and nurture relationships with young people
  • Promoting Awareness - Arcadia College acknowledges and celebrates awareness days throughout the year

Arcadia College incorporates social emotional learning activities into regular classroom lessons and daily initiatives that are linked to the Australian Curriculum under Health and Physical Education.

A variety of learning activities and programs are sequenced to match adolescent development and presenting year level needs. Guest speakers and programs are included and the opportunity to develop student resilience, impart wellbeing knowledge and develop positive mindset strategies in a safe, supported environment is enjoyed by staff and students alike.

Social and leadership initiatives and programs, such as, High Resolves global citizen units are integral to encouraging student voice and positive community engagement. At Arcadia College, each morning students are asked to score their overall battery at check in and participate in activities to promote positive connection to self, others and nature.

Arcadia College has a variety of community partnerships to enhance learning experiences, community engagement and positive social outcomes.

Youth workers facilitate student opportunities and benefits through Ozharvest, Rosies, the Bleach Festival, Graffiti-Art projects, Queensland Rail and Queensland Fire services. These partnerships benefit students and their families directly, promote community relationships and develop positive altruistic traits in our students. Arcadia College recognises and appreciates these organisations for their partnership and contribution to our school.