Thank you for considering an application for your student at Arcadia College. This application form allows families to apply and pay online. A non-refundable fee of $55.00 is payable per application. Our Enrolment Policy is available for you to consider before you apply.
Interview: After you have fully completed your student’s online application and, have provided all the relevant documentation, you will be invited to attend an interview when a position becomes available. Your student must be accompanied to the interview by at least one parent/caregiver.
Waiting List: Once an application has been completed with all the required documentation and an interview been attended, your student will be placed on a waiting list. Places are offered to those most likely to benefit from our programs. A successful interview will ensure that we consider your student for a place immediately the opportunity to offer one becomes available.
Notification of acceptance to attend Arcadia College
Complete the enrolment paperwork and be ready to start.