Project-Based Learning
Project Based Learning (PBL) is a student-centred learning approach, engaging students in a variety of curriculum areas, concepts and ideas. Fostering students to develop their potential as independent learners, creative and critical thinkers and collaborators, PBL explores a variety of issues through a range of projects related to ‘real life,’ experiences. This teaching and learning framework, encourages students to navigate their own learning journeys, whilst gaining skills and knowledge to assist their future career and employment aspirations.
Linked heavily to the guiding principles of PBL, an Arts-based pedagogy is also embedded throughout learning in several cohorts, acting not only as a tool for re-engagement, but also as a powerful therapeutic tool. The Italian pedagogy of Reggio Emilia suggests that the classroom environment acts as ‘the third teacher,’ (Malaguzzi 1998) and, as such, learning areas must be aesthetically pleasing, stimulating, filled with light and the constant display and documentation of students’ work and thinking. As such, students are encouraged to participate in the active creation of their learning environments and transform their classrooms to reflect the themes or topics each semester. Staff encourage students to equally participate in this process, to ensure that they are the architects of their own learning spaces, and they have autonomy over their work. This process is also linked to the ‘entry event,’ PBL activity, that is held at the beginning of each topic to promote interest and gain student buy in. Students will contribute to the learning environment during each term, where they can visibly see their efforts and track their own learning.
Service Learning/Community
Through a structured, targeted learning model, service learning is an educational approach that actively involves students in a wide range of experiences, which often benefits others and the community, whilst advancing the goals of the curriculum. Community-based activities are delivered through a progressive learning experience and are often paired with structured preparation and student reflection. Students have the opportunity to engage in a variety of community-based projects, integrating meaningful learning experiences with the curriculum outcomes.
Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Arcadia College promotes Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) as a core element of its educational program. The whole school approach allows the globally recognised social and emotional core competencies of: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and reasonable decision making. These skills are developed organically through key learning experiences within the College along with explicit teaching of evidence-based programs. Embedded within this framework are key components such as Experiential Learning and Adventure Based Learning (ABL) initiates to facilitate individual capabilities, team building, problem solving, creativity, critical thinking, trust and communication.
Experiential Learning/Adventure-Based Learning
ABL/EL is based on a philosophy that, in essence, states that individuals are usually more capable (mentally, emotionally and physically) than they perceive themselves to be and if given the opportunity to participate in a supportive atmosphere, can discover this excellence within themselves.
ABL/EL utilises learning initiatives, low and high challenge programs and activities to facilitate individual capabilities, team building, problem solving, creativity, critical thinking, trust and communication. The experience allows the individual and team to approach physical, social, mental and emotional challenges in a safe and secure setting.
HPE is linked substantially through Experiential Learning (EL), also written as, Adventure-Based Learning (ABL)/Experiential Learning strategies, in an attempt to engage our young people in full participation of concepts and skills in this area. Key components of HPE are also evident within our Social Emotional Learning Framework (see SEL Framework 2019), to promote and link core concepts and life skills needed to promote and educate young people regarding the aim for them to develop into healthy, happy and functioning citizens.