Arcadia College is an Independent Co-Ed Secondary Special Assistance School. It has been established specifically to re-engage Secondary students in education. If your student is disengaged from mainstream schooling and needs a different approach to learning, we could be the place for them. Our caring professionals work with students in a safe, inclusive and progressive environment to gain their trust, identify their interests and develop the best possible learning plan to transition to further education or employment.

Please contact our enrolments office on 07 56551818 or email before completing the online application.

Thank you for considering an application for your student at Arcadia College. This application form allows families to apply and pay online. A non-refundable fee of $55.00 is payable per application. Our Enrolment Policy is available for you to consider before you apply.

Interview: After you have fully completed your student’s online application and, have provided all the relevant documentation, you will be invited to attend an interview when a position becomes available. Your student must be accompanied to the interview by at least one parent/caregiver.

Waiting List: Once an application has been completed with all the required documentation and an interview been attended, your student will be placed on a waiting list. Places are offered to those most likely to benefit from our programs. A successful interview will ensure that we consider your student for a place immediately the opportunity to offer one becomes available.

Notification of acceptance to attend Arcadia College

Complete the enrolment paperwork and be ready to start.

Please contact our enrolment team on (07) 5655 1818 to discuss any queries you may have.

Before you start the application, please ensure that you have the following:

Prior to completing an online application you must contact our Enrolments Team to discuss enrolment availabilities and eligibility.
Phone 07 56551818 or email

Mandatory Documents:

  • Birth certificate (passport if birth certificate is not available at time of application)
  • Immigration visa with subclass number and/or citizenship documentation (If applicable).  Please note: This includes a subclass number for NZ residents
  • Latest two semester school reports
  • Referral letter – Medical or School referral
  • Recent passport/school style photo
  • Any letter/s of suspension/exclusion.
  • NAPLAN if participated
  • Family court or parenting orders.

Documents as Applicable:

Where a student has a diagnosis (health, wellbeing, learning), the documentation should be included in the application.

  • Diagnosis: e.g. Anxiety/Depression, ADHD, ASD, OCD, etc. – letter from doctor/specialist
  • Specialist medical or learning assessments
  • GP Mental Health Care Plan
  • Behaviour and/or learning support plan/s, e.g. ISP, ILP, ICP’s etc. (from school)
  • NDIS approval

Added documentation if applicable:

  • Letter of diagnosis from doctor or specialist
  • A psychologist or other specialist assessment/report
  • Screenshot of EAP Verification and AIMS number for ASD (from school) if available
  • EAP  Student Plan (from school) if available.

Please note: Lodgement of an application is not a guarantee of acceptance. This form should take you approximately 30 minutes to complete providing you have all supporting information at hand. Please be aware that a copy of this application will be sent to all parent/guardian emails listed on the application. 

Apply Now